Toddlers Naps

Is your toddler ready to stop napping?

Is Your Toddler Ready to Stop Napping?

Around the age of 2-2.5, it's common for children to start resisting their daily nap. But, and this is a big but, keeping that nap routine until at least age 3 is a game-changer in the world of sleep!

Why is it important to maintain daytime sleep for as long as possible?

The answer is simple - a child's body, up to school age, is not adapted to being awake throughout the day. The benefit of daytime sleep is primarily to give the baby's nervous system a break and briefly limit the flow of incoming information so that the baby's brain has the opportunity to process it.

If the baby does not get rest during the day, then the biological functions of his body are disrupted, this is often expressed in emotional and behavioral disorders.

Even if your little one resists the nap, don't throw in the towel!

Instead, keep putting them in bed for an hour of quiet time every day. Let them read a book, play quietly, or just unwind. Naps aren't only about sleep; they're essential for growth, mood, and overall well-being. Make sure to still do the daily bedtime routine with darkening the room, changing to pajamas, saying goodnight to toys and friends, and then putting your little one in bed even if they don’t fall asleep at all.

Surprise, surprise! That nap resistance is usually a false alarm.

By sticking to the nap schedule for about 5-7 days, the nap should be back to schedule on its own.

So, please don’t give up on naps until your little one is at least 3 years.

I'm here to help you through this journey, so don’t hesitate to book a 1:1 consultation if you have further questions and need support with your toddler’s sleep.